'Daily Show' App Headlines Highlights

Jon-StewartAs “Indecision 2012” ramps up, Comedy Central has launched a digital truncated version of the “The Daily Show.” Video highlights from the show, as well as original content, will be made available as a mobile and tablet app for iOS and Android devices.

“The Daily Show Headlines” will be curated from recent show episodes and library content. The app will have social media capabilities, allowing the sharing of videos via Facebook and Twitter. Users can also set “personalized tune-in reminders.”

The app is the first related to the “Daily Show” for Android devices. Comedy Central said “Headlines” has been “optimized” for the new iPad’s cutting-edge display. It is also accessible through Apple TV on traditional TV screens.

Comedy Central recently said the show will be broadcast in September from the site of the Democratic convention in Charlotte for a week. It’s the fourth DNC convention the show has covered on-site dating back to 2000.

“The Daily Show” has a variety of digital extensions, including running full interviews with guests on the Web, when clipped versions appear on the show. There is also an “Indecision” delegates section sponsored by AT&T.

An “Indecision” app for iPhones and iPads taps into the companion viewing boomlet with a “Peanut Gallery,” where bloggers and guests provide live commentary as a viewer tunes into a debate or other political coverage.


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