Mobile Video Is All About Home Sweet Home

63% of views occur in consumers' residence

So much for the on-the-go consumer disrupting where most marketing occurs.

Actually, 63 percent of video streaming on mobile phones happens when folks are in their homes, per research from the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). And according to the IAB, mobile videos are watched during prime-time television hours more than any other daypart.

Yep, sounds like the ol' TV/family room, doesn't it? 

In a report dubbed “The IAB Mobile Phone Video Diaries,” 36 percent of home-based digital video watching occurs in the same room as a second screen, such as a TV, desktop computer or tablet (perhaps driven by growth in at-home WiFi). The report also found that 92 percent of viewers share mobile video they have watched on their phone with friends or family. Humorous short clips (66 percent) and music videos (52 percent) are the most shared, the IAB said.

Two-hundred consumers  took part in the IAB's diary study, which lasted two weeks in November. More key findings:

• 53 percent expressed either positive or neutral sentiment towards mobile video ads
• 48 percent said that they'd prefer viewing video ads related to the content of the clips
• 44 percent recalled seeing an ad while watching mobile video, with short, 10- to 15-second spots being remembered most often

Additionally, per the study, the most frequently viewed kinds of videos are music (45 percent), movie trailers (42 percent) and tutorials/how-tos (41 percent).